Many of you are confused, uneducated, or have lost heart in these astonishing times of hypocrisy and injustice. Even our visionaries lament the end of civilization. Have confidence, my friends, that we are up to the challenge.
Your analysis of the state of our systems is correct, we see the evidence of elitism and arrogance in the unguarded faces of the broadcast media, and even at the local pub, as the very men who should be protecting the weak and feeding the poor, instead delight in their suffering and seek to rob them until they perish. The spectacle of of injustice is infuriating to those wise enough to see it. Still, I ask for your perseverance. Respectfully, gentlemen, we must not waste your energy in useless complaints.
Do not lose confidence. You were born to the challenge. Your lives have been spent in training, study, and preparation for the times upon us. It is our time, we must take action.
I see a population of educated citizens, capable of any potential, yet held back from that promise by those who benefit from systems designed to protect their positions. We are worthy of more. There has never been a time more ripe for heroes. You have the talent, the minds, the abilities necessary to use the tools at your disposal, as no generation that came before.
Can you see around you? Do you recognize yourself in your peers? There is a storm brewing, and you will be tested. I guarantee you have the character to endure. You will succeed. The only question is our goal.
When we are at our worst hour, there is a susceptibility to depression. In the face of the seemingly insurmountable crises in front of us, quitting becomes quite an attractive option. It is likely, that you are dwelling on those things outside your control. Don't be trapped by that distant focus, ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, ignore the odds. Don't waste mental energy thinking beyond your means. Simply stretch out your arms to those things within your reach. There is plenty of work close at hand.
You and I are heroes, and our service is in demand. There will be opposition, but there will also be other champions who will applaud and praise us. You will recognize them by their actions. Did you think it would be easy? Does anything worthy of us come without effort? Is there excellence without pain?
To achieve a great transformation requires not just one superhuman effort, but the amassing of countless small deeds. Nor does it require the agreement of the entire population to achieve justice, but the work of a small number of dedicated citizens, who are committed to the goal. There will be obstacles, endless snags, and unexpected problems, but do not lose heart. We are made of the stuff of dreams, stardust, born in the furnace of conflict.
In the midst of the chaos, calm yourself, stand-up and express your mind, honestly, communicate your perspective. This is all the courage necessary to change the future. Listen, learn, reach out to those willing to change themselves, and create a future worthy of you all. Your compassion will be seen in your actions, your words, how you spend your time. This will ignite the imagination of others, and together you can illuminate the darkness we travel through.
Be bold, show no mercy, but open yourself, be vulnerable and humble, tolerant of others mistakes, yet willing to hold them accountable even at great cost of yourself. This is the essence of justice, it is the brave who stand and speak the truth, even when it threatens to dethrone them. Others will recognize your integrity; they will feed on your strength. If you are up to the task, it is one of the most powerful things you can do, to speak truth to power.
At times you may feel defeated, we have all experienced loss and become lost. It is normal, when you can see the potential of this world, to be discouraged and pity one's lot in life. These thoughts are not worthy of you. Leave them at the side of the road, and move forward, do not carry them with you.
In my bones I know, as you do, that there can be no pessimism for those who know the truth. We are the survivors of a thousand generations of war. Our ancestors were warriors, the very kings and their soldiers, masters and slaves of millennia long conflicts that killed the weak and left only the strong. We are quickened, indestructible, weapons honed to a fine edge. How can a tool have doubt? We were forged for a purpose.

We are our only enemy. Division, deception, destruction, these are the tools of evil. In this world of scarcity and injustice, war is no longer sustainable. I imagine a world of abundance, where truth and justice are the highest values. I know it is our potential. I know we have the ability to reach it. You have free-will, It is up to you.
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