Monday, September 18, 2023


This Is How Power REALLY Works | Aaron Bastani Meets Grace Blakeley

Everyone now accepts the obvious plutocracy of 1% ownership of our society in the U.S.A.
(what happens when the homeless realize they can level the playing field and just burn it all down?)

Is The West Heading Towards Social Breakdown? | Aaron Bastani Meets Peter Turchin

America is a plutocracy where 1% control the politics, and as more elites (10%) which to become rich, they are creating conflict which historically leads to civil war. 

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Maybe We Were Wrong About Ranked Choice Voting: Use STAR Voting instead!

Seder DEBATES Ayn Rand Institute Libertarian Yaron Brook

This started off well, then both Sam and Yaron went off on tangents, and got into the weeds of the complexity of free trade between accountable individuals.

Both agree that the only ligitimate purpose of GOVERNMENT is to protect the people. What they disagree about is HOW MUCH responsibility should be PERSONAL (individual) and how much the government should step in.

The point of the PROGRESSIVE LEFT is that all people are equal and should be treated JUSTLY, and the GOVERNMENT should provide justice, and provide security even against the bad decisions of the individual. The FAR LEFT would go even further and ask government to provide food, shelter, healthcare, etc. for everyone, because SOME PEOPLE can not EARN those things for themselves through free (fair) trade.

The point of Yaron Brook's Libertarians is that justice and security are the personal responsibility of the individuals involved, and the government should not be a parent, just a guard dog. People need personal responsibility to LEARN.

Thus Yaron believes that it is immoral for the government to tax everyone to protect those who make bad decisions from themselves, even if it is the MAJORITY decision of our population in this DEMOCRACY. It is a reasonable disagreement, as the MAJORITY can make bad decisions (see Slavery, Housing Crisis bailouts, mask wearing, etc).

Mr. Brooks voluntarily choose to JOIN this DEMOCRACY and must therefore voluntarily pay his taxes, but he has the right to disagree with how the tax money is spent and the freedom to try and convince others. I note that Yaron is very clear on Ayn Rand and Objectivist Philosophy, and that he simply doesn't agree that everyone is 'equal', so those who lack MERIT shouldn't be rewarded and protected from their personal decisions. He's very EXPLICIT about his beliefs.

What fascinates me is that SAM doesn't recognize that his PERSONAL decision to recognize human suffering, his VALUE of empathy, shouldn't be imposed upon everyone, just because it's his INDIVIDUAL choice. It's not wrong to provide charity if you BELIEVE that you are paying for something you freely choose to desire (ending suffering, etc.), but it is WRONG to enforce your beliefs on others.

Ayn Rand Fan Debates ‘Objectivism’ With Sam

A rational actor who cares about THEMSELVES would limit their use of antibiotics to protect THEMSELVES, and those they care about, from future harm. And TAXES can be voluntary, if you FREELY CHOOSE to be part of a nation or other governmental organization in which YOU give the power to tax. The Nation of the USA was developed upon the value of the INDIVIDUAL, what RAND loved was that the USA is a government of the PEOPLE who freely choose to be part of the nation and, freely choose to pay taxes, unlike Stalin's Russia where she was afflicted by Authoritarian (military totalitarian) Collectivism. The RATIONAL SELF INTEREST is that we can all freely choose to join a Union, a State, or a Country. Objectivists choose to work, to freely trade with others, and produce, not because they are cohersed, but because they are ENLIGHTENED, and recognized that all INDIVIDUALS are limited and NEED others to survive. Dan didn't think things through, but neither did Sam. If you monopolize land, which is against RAND's ideals, then I choose to monopolize Oxygen, and therefore I will trade you Oxygen for Land. Else we can justly put some things off limits to ownership, like the commodities necessary for survival. As RAND would say, denying an individual the resources for survival is violence. You need not earn money, you need only CHOOSE to be self-sufficient. Robinson Crusoe had FRIDAY, a person who freely chose to be a slave. Libertarians are not Objectivists. Objectivism is an internally consistent rational philosophy, and in creating it Ayn Ran created the first SECULAR ETHICS. This is the first step in defeating the irrational ethics of religions. The MR audience will never achieve the goal of a collectivist union as long as it allows for the irrational religious people to be part of the collective, for they always divide to conquer. Any Rand laid down the foundation for a Rational Ethics, but was never allowed to move on toward ENLIGHTENED rational self-interest, because everyone attacked her out of fear that rational objectivism would defeat their own schemes for power and control. Too bad she only lived through WWII until 1984, she never saw the outcome of 'free market' capitalism, and couldn't critique the failures, yet if you read her fictions, she not only predicted Neoliberal Corporate Democrats, she also predicted #tRump (see Mr Turner from Atlas Shrugged). Rational, Self-Interested people can freely choose to become part of a collective, if it is in their own best interest. Enlightened Rational Self-Interested people already have.

Former Libertarian Begs Sam To Take Ayn Rand Seriously

The reason Sam doesn't care about the difference between Libertarians and Objectivists, and thinks it's "Sociopathic Mental Masturbation" is because he's not RATIONAL, he is NOT a philosopher, he's never thought through first principals, he doesn't care about defining his values or stating premises. He's a Leftist Political Commentator, but he doesn't even know what that means, he's just being provocative for ratings*. What the caller is TRYING (and failing) to say, is that CONTEMPORARY LIBERTARIANS used AYN RAND's philosophy to legitimize their immature concept of "freedom", but by REVERSING the very concepts and values she developed. Rand RATIONALLY THINKS that people should be REWARDED for their MERIT, and she would define "merit" as being good at whatever 'job' you choose to do. Thus, for RAND those who are good should become wealthy by EARNING payments through free (fair) trade. Today's LIBERTARIANS reverse Rand's ethic, they BELIEVE that those who have WEALTH must have MERIT. The problem is, of course, most rich people, who use these libertarian arguments, did not EARN their money. Most rich people get their money in one of three ways: THEFT (or fraud), INHERITANCE, or MARRIAGE. Thus libertarians think that the rich have MERIT, which Rand would think was false, she would call them thieves and/or parasites (children/spouses).  The reason that SAM and EMMA don't like BOTH Objectivists and Libertarians because neither likes TAXES or REGULATIONS. The political LEFT believe that taxes and regulations are NECESSARY to balance OUTCOMES, but the Libertarians believe that "taxes are theft", taking from the productive to give to the unproductive, and Objectivists think that taxes and regulations limit FREE (fair) TRADE (contracts) between people (such as unions and governments). Reversing the relationship between "MERIT" and "WEALTH" in a meritocracy is not trivial, it is fundamental to our government and way of life. Understanding this would help the LEFT be coherent and achieve political power by uniting those Objectivists who are Enlightened, and Rational. The first step is coming to a commonly agreed definition of MERIT. I define MERIT as MLK Jr. did, as the content of one's character and the quality of one's mind, and I would add hard work and persistence. Does Sam's argument have merit? No, he doesn't care.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Joe Rogan: "This is What Really Sold Me on God"

1) You don't need to be rational for your instincts to work, they are hard coded into your DNA BECAUSE they were functional for animal survival, it is only through conflict that humans and other animals develop the ability to reason. Thus, rational objectivism, the ability to find truth through logic (math), is only possible BECAUSE of the consistent empirical uniformity of nature. But once you have reason, you can discover truths regardless of the reliability of perception, or the difficulty any individual animal has in grasping the objective facts of reality. 2) Mutation is only ONE force of change in Darwinian evolution. The MAJOR cause for change is not small-scale mutations, it is SEXUAL re-shuffling combined with constant culling due to conflict and competition for survival and procreation. You don't create new animals from mutations, you put existing animals in different environments and let them reproduce and compete for resources and mates. Doesn't take much time at all.

He's wrong. There is no need for god.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Corporations Control Our Governments: Here’s How | Aaron Bastani meets M...

Corporations Control Our Governments: Here’s How | Aaron Bastani via Support Novara Media:
Most of you will agree that corporations have undue influence over our democracies, but exactly how this influence is exerted is tricky to illustrate - and that is by design. Behind innocuous sounding acronyms and worthy sounding trade agreements are the real cogs that allow the global corporate machine to corrupt societies and our guest this week, Matt Kennard, has spent the last two years investigating these shady entities. In his new book, ‘Silent Coup’, he and co-author Claire Provost give us shocking examples of how corporations exert, expand and consolidate control over the lives of practically everyone. You can buy Matt's book here: ____________________________________________________ Support Novara Media for as little as £1 a month: Buy Novara Media merch here:

Monday, June 12, 2023

Richard Wolff: Marxism and Communism | Lex Fridman Podcast #295

Richard Wolff: Marxism and Communism | Lex Fridman Podcast #295 Lex turns himself inside out, and can't deal with the truth about capitalism and Marx's ideas. An excellent discussion of Marxism, Socialism, and Capitalism, but never mentions that Socialism is the END STATE of the Marxist dialectic, a utopian idea as realized in Northern Europe today.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

TOP SECRET: Our Classified Documents System Is [Redacted] | The Problem ...

I should have gone to Columbia 
The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America's Top Secrets by Matthew Connelly
Every day, thousands of new secrets are created by the United States government. What is all this secrecy really for? And whom does it benefit?

“A brilliant, deeply unsettling look at the history and inner workings of ‘the dark state'.... At a time when federal agencies are increasingly classifying or destroying documents with historical significance, this book could not be more important.” —Eric Schlosser, New York Times best-selling author of Command and Control

Before World War II, transparent government was a proud tradition in the United States. In all but the most serious of circumstances, classification, covert operations, and spying were considered deeply un-American. But after the war, the power to decide what could be kept secret proved too tempting to give up. Since then, we have radically departed from that open tradition, allowing intelligence agencies, black sites, and classified laboratories to grow unchecked. Officials insist that only secrecy can keep us safe, but its true costs have gone unacknowledged for too long.

Using the latest techniques in data science, historian Matthew Connelly analyzes a vast trove of state secrets to unearth not only what the government really does not want us to know but also why they don’t want us to know it. Culling this research and carefully examining a series of pivotal moments in recent history, from Pearl Harbor to drone warfare, Connelly sheds light on the drivers of state secrecy—especially incompetence and criminality—and how rampant overclassification makes it impossible to protect truly vital information.

What results is an astonishing study of power: of the greed it enables, of the negligence it protects, and of what we lose as citizens when our leaders cannot be held to account. A crucial examination of the self-defeating nature of secrecy and the dire state of our nation’s archives, The Declassification Engine is a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving the past so that we may secure our future.