Friday, December 06, 2024
James Lindsay: How I hoaxed the ‘woke right’
New Words FREN = white nationalist (dog whistle)
Manichaeism - from the Gnostic religious belief in the struggle between GOOD and EVUIL.
Why does it bug me so much that these conservatives have such a good understanding of Marxism and seem to be conversing so clearly and concisely, and quite literate, about the philosophical underpinnings of the American project in 2024, while I've seen nothing this educated in the MSM since the 1970s? The parallels James Lindsay draws between the Right-Wing Conservative Christian Nationalists who are working hand in hand with the Capitalist NeoLiberals (in both parties),, and the Marxist reactionary stance to Capitalism in the 1880s, is both astonishing and extremely informative. I need to think about this, watch it again. They may be paralleling the same mistakes in Marxism, without the utopian end goal, but instead a self-defeating call for the end-times.
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