Saturday, July 29, 2023

Joe Rogan: "This is What Really Sold Me on God"

1) You don't need to be rational for your instincts to work, they are hard coded into your DNA BECAUSE they were functional for animal survival, it is only through conflict that humans and other animals develop the ability to reason. Thus, rational objectivism, the ability to find truth through logic (math), is only possible BECAUSE of the consistent empirical uniformity of nature. But once you have reason, you can discover truths regardless of the reliability of perception, or the difficulty any individual animal has in grasping the objective facts of reality. 2) Mutation is only ONE force of change in Darwinian evolution. The MAJOR cause for change is not small-scale mutations, it is SEXUAL re-shuffling combined with constant culling due to conflict and competition for survival and procreation. You don't create new animals from mutations, you put existing animals in different environments and let them reproduce and compete for resources and mates. Doesn't take much time at all.

He's wrong. There is no need for god.

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