This American Life: #626 White Haze
This American Life is always genius, but this week will win a prize.
In revealing a critical difference between the 'White Supremacists' of
our past, and the 'Alt-Right' of our present. Unlike the KKK of the
1950's, which sought to simply assert the established social hierarchy,
today's 'Proud Boy' perceives themselves as 'disenfranchised minority'
under a 'genocidal assault' and seeks to defend their very existence
under this delusion.
The insecurity of these mediocre white
males makes them feel like victims, incapable of seeing their own
reflection, they co-opt the language of the traditionally
disenfranchised classes (gender, race, sexuality) to play at identity
politics, completely unaware that their ideology depends upon the
underlying premise that they are somehow different, that they have some
inherent merit, that America is their 'white nation', or a 'Christian'
underlying premise of the Alt-Right is that they have merit that others
do not. What they don't tell you is that they have re-defined 'merit'
to equal MALE, WHITE, CHRISTIAN, WEALTH. While the Progressive Left
defines 'merit' as having empathy & compassion, honesty &
integrity, intelligence and wisdom, otherwise known as the content of
one's character, or at least a quality mind.